Creating My Site along with my Journey

Hello and welcome to anyone who stumbled across my blog. My name is Mohammad Amin, most people call me Mo. I am a web-developer currently located in NYC, I have a fascination with JavaScript and Ruby.

I earned my BA in Computer Science from Hunter College in 2015. Since then I have been developing web-sites professionally on a full-time basis.

My First job was at Techflex where I helped with their transition from a ASP site to a more modern Rails site. We wrote an in-house e-commerce site from the ground up customized to the structure of the company, using the SQL database that was already in place before. This was my first production web-application and learned a ton building this site. Some interesting aspects were writing ActiveRecord models that play well with the existing database. Another interesting aspect was writing a print-design front end application for the in house printer they have to print labels for wires. This was my first deep-dive into JS and building a functional and automated front-end for client. You can check the heat-shrink printing application.

I also helped design and build Train Creative. This project has a Rails back-end as well. This site lets users sign up, pay for and reserve rental space at the local train station. It was challenging figuring how to keep track of what slots of times were booked. There was situations where we had to think about dead-locking, when one user was reserving the last slot and another user tries to book a ticket, there was a collision that had to taken into consideration.

Currently, I am working as a front-end engineer at Law360. This is a subscription based news website with millions of page-vies a month. Some features that I have worked on includes infinite-scroll, scrappers, and google-amp page integration.

Besides working, I also have some other passions and hobbies. I enjoy music a ton and can talk about music for hours, if we ever meet, lets see if our preferences match. I also enjoy watching sports, soccer is my favorite sport and Arsenal is my favortie team. However, I follow pretty much all sports and am an avid supporter of New York teams. I also like nature and outdoors, on a good day, you can find me on the hiking trail.

I can go on about myself, but no point in that. Let me tell more about why I created this site/blog. I intend to use this site to share my ideas and thoughts on various web development topics as well some personal posts. Over the last couple years I have learned a lot and I have a lot of ideas to share and much more to learn, hope you enjoy my journey through theses posts!